Coaching from day one

Every new Lemire Precision employee is provided with structured, progressive management. On the first day, new employees meet the entire team, receive information about the company and start learning the measuring instruments with which they will work. Each trainer is responsible for a maximum of four new employees and therefore has enough time to give them individual attention. This structure follows the mentoring formula of the Programme d’apprentissage en milieu de travail (PAMT).

Ongoing training

To complete their integration, new operators continue training under the supervision of the quality technician by observing machines, performing checks, learning how to take measures and how to read plans. At the end of the first week, there is a friendly update meeting with the trainer, the quality technician and the production manager. To insure that employees working the evening and night shifts benefit from the knowledge of senior employees and continue their training, shifts are alternated every 2 months.

Personalized training and recognized certification

During the first month on the job, apprentices individually meet with their trainer once a week to evaluate progress and communicate any requests that could help them progress in their duties. Other follow-up meetings are held during the first year to guide the new operator effectively.As soon as there is an opening, the apprentice is registered in the Programme d’apprentissage en milieu de travail (PAMT) and after three years (4 modules completed), the employee obtains a certificate of qualification from the PAMT as a machinist on a conventional machine tool. This trade is listed as part of the Red Seal Program (a federally funded interprovincial initiative), meaning that an amount of money is allocated to the employee for each module completed. The certificate obtained is recognized by Emploi-Québec and valid everywhere in Canada.